

The Outsiders

Journal Topics


You will be assigned journal time on various lessons.  You choose the topic.  Each journal must be well written, at least one page of handwritten text (you know what that means!!),  Points are given on an effort scale.  The more effort you put forth, the more points you achieve.  Journals are worth 40 points apiece. 


Write a descriptive paper about your best friend or another person whom you know very well.  Be sure to “show and not tell” me about the person.


Is there a Greaser that you think that you might like to have as a friend?  How would you describe him to your parents?  Another friend?


Write a descriptive paper to describe Cherry Valance.  Give evidence from the novel to support your points.  Remember to include physical appearance, personality, etc…


Write about this quote:  “What can or should parents do or say to show their children that they care for them?”


Describe a time when you were in a potentially dangerous situation.  How did you get out of it?  Was it scary?  Did you get into trouble?


What are some ways that you would suggest to solve the problems between the Greasers and the Socs?


Would you eat chocolate cake for breakfast every morning if you could?  What are some of the advantages or disadvantages of this?


Compare Johnny’s mother to Ponyboy’s mother.  What do you think makes a good parent?


The members of Ponyboy’s gang are not well liked by Ponyboy.  Why do you think that they still all stuck up for one another?